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Initialize Sequential Workflow Designer with Angular

The designer is written in TypeScript with no dependencies, but to increase a developer experience we prepared a dedicated package for Angular. The package wraps a native component and provides a Angular style syntax.


Check our online examples.

🚀 Installation​

Install the following packages by NPM command:

npm i sequential-workflow-designer sequential-workflow-designer-angular

Add CSS files to your angular.json file.

"projects": {
"architect": {
"build": {
"styles": [

🎬 Usage​

Import the module:

import { SequentialWorkflowDesignerModule } from 'sequential-workflow-designer-angular';

imports: [
// ...
// ...
export class AppModule {}

Define a definition and a configuration.

export class AppComponent {
private designer?: Designer;
public definition: Definition = { /* ... */ };
public toolboxConfiguration: ToolboxConfiguration = { /* ... */ };
public stepsConfiguration: StepsConfiguration = { /* ... */ };
public validatorConfiguration: ValidatorConfiguration = { /* ... */ };
// ...

Define the following methods to handle the designer's events.

export class AppComponent {
public onDesignerReady(designer: Designer) {
this.designer = designer;

public onDefinitionChanged(definition: Definition) {
this.definition = definition;

public onSelectedStepIdChanged(stepId: string | null) {
// ...

Additionally we need to define a few utils methods to handle the editor's logic.

export class AppComponent {
// ...
public updateName(step: Step, event: Event, context: StepEditorContext) { = ( as HTMLInputElement).value;

public updateProperty(properties: Properties, name: string, event: Event, context: RootEditorContext | StepEditorContext) {
properties[name] = ( as HTMLInputElement).value;

Create a template for the root editor. The value of the editor variable implements the RootEditorWrapper interface.

<ng-template #rootEditor let-editor>
<h2>Root Editor</h2>

<input type="number"
(input)="updateProperty(, 'velocity', $event, editor.context)" />
interface RootEditorWrapper {
definition: Definition;
context: RootEditorContext;
isReadonly: boolean;

Create a template for the step editor. The value of the editor variable implements the StepEditorWrapper interface.

<ng-template #stepEditor let-editor>
<h2>Step Editor</h2>

<input type="text"
(input)="updateName(editor.step, $event, editor.context)" />

<input type="number"
(input)="updateProperty(, 'velocity', $event, editor.context)" />
interface StepEditorWrapper {
step: Step;
definition: Definition;
context: StepEditorContext;
isReadonly: boolean;

At the end attach the designer:


That's it!

🚧 Demo Project​

We prepared a demo project that shows how to use the designer in Angular.