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Initialize Sequential Workflow Designer with JavaScript or TypeScript

The designer is written in TypeScript but you may use it for vanilla JavaScript applications as well.


Check our online examples.

🚀 Installation​

To use the designer you should add JS/TS files and CSS files to your project.


Install this package by NPM command:

npm i sequential-workflow-designer

To import the package:

import { Designer } from 'sequential-workflow-designer';

If you use css-loader or similar, you can add CSS files to your bundle:

import 'sequential-workflow-designer/css/designer.css';
import 'sequential-workflow-designer/css/designer-light.css';
import 'sequential-workflow-designer/css/designer-dark.css';

To create the designer write the below code:

// ...
Designer.create(placeholder, definition, configuration);


Add the below code to your head section in HTML document.

<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<script src=""></script>

Call the designer by:

sequentialWorkflowDesigner.Designer.create(placeholder, definition, configuration);

🎬 How to Use​

The below code shows how to create an instance of the designer. Be sure that the passed placeholder is attached to the DOM.

import { Designer } from 'sequential-workflow-designer';

const placeholder = document.getElementById('placeholder');

const definition = {
properties: {
'myProperty': 'my-value',
// root properties...
sequence: [
// steps...

const configuration = {
theme: 'light', // optional, default: 'light'
isReadonly: false, // optional, default: false
undoStackSize: 10, // optional, default: 0 - disabled, 1+ - enabled

steps: {
// all properties in this section are optional

iconUrlProvider: (componentType, type) => {
return `icon-${componentType}-${type}.svg`;

isDraggable: (step, parentSequence) => {
return !== 'y';
isDeletable: (step, parentSequence) => {
isDuplicable: (step, parentSequence) => {
return true;
canInsertStep: (step, targetSequence, targetIndex) => {
return targetSequence.length < 5;
canMoveStep: (sourceSequence, step, targetSequence, targetIndex) => {
return !['isLocked'];
canDeleteStep: (step, parentSequence) => {
return !== 'x';

validator: {
// all validators are optional

step: (step, parentSequence, definition) => {
return /^[a-z]+$/.test(;
root: (definition) => {
return['memory'] > 256;

toolbox: {
isCollapsed: false,
groups: [
name: 'Files',
steps: [
// steps for the toolbox's group
name: 'Notification',
steps: [
// steps for the toolbox's group

editors: {
isCollapsed: false,
rootEditorProvider: (definition, rootContext, isReadonly) => {
const editor = document.createElement('div');
// ...
return editor;
stepEditorProvider: (step, stepContext, definition, isReadonly) => {
const editor = document.createElement('div');
// ...
return editor;

controlBar: true,
contextMenu: true,

const designer = Designer.create(placeholder, definition, configuration);
designer.onDefinitionChanged.subscribe((newDefinition) => {
// ...

You can hide default UI components by setting the corresponding configuration property to false.

const configuration = {
toolbox: false,
editors: false,
controlBar: false,
contextMenu: false,
// ...

We prepared multiple examples how to use the designer. Check them in the examples directory.