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The toolbox allows a user to drag new steps into the designer. This is source of new steps, so you need to pass a list of possible new steps to the designer. New steps are divided into groups to make it easier for a user to find a step.


To configure the toolbox you need to set the toolbox property of the start configuration.

const configuration = {
toolbox: {
groups: [
name: 'Group 1',
steps: [
componentType: 'task',
type: 'sendEmail',
name: 'Save e-mail',
properties: { /* ... */ },
// ...
name: 'Group 2',
steps: [
// ..
// ...

Hide Toolbox

If you don't need the toolbox you can hide it by setting the toolbox property to false.

const configuration = {
toolbox: false,
// ...

Change Toolbox Width

The easiest way to change the width of the toolbox is to override the default CSS. The following option works from version 0.23.0 onward.

.sqd-toolbox { width: 170px !important; }