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Nullable Any VariableValue Model

The nullable any variable value model describes a single variable that the user may pick from the list of variables. The variable can be of any type.


Check the Editors Example.


import { createNullableAnyVariableValueModel } from 'sequential-workflow-editor-model';

isRequired: true,
valueTypes: ['number', 'string']

Optional properties:

  • isRequired - Defines if the value is required. Default value is false.
  • valueTypes - Defines the list of allowed value types. If the list is empty, then all types are allowed.

Value Reading

The value is stored in a simple object:

interface AnyVariable {
name: string;
type: ValueType;

To read the value you just need to read the property value:

const value: AnyVariable | null =['foo']; // { name: 'x', type: 'number' } or null